This Star Trek Theory Suggests Patrick Stewart's Picard Had A Secret Addiction

Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" is famously known for one beverage order: Tea, Earl Grey, hot. But according to one fan theory, the reserved Enterprise captain may have secretly been sipping on something else through the years. Posited by Reddit user u/_Abe_Froman_SKOC on r/FanTheories, the theory suggests that Picard has secretly been dealing with high-functioning alcohol use disorder throughout his Starfleet career. And their evidence goes far beyond loose accusations based on the captain's ties to the Picard family vineyard.

According to the Redditor, Picard's substance issues may have started early in his timeline, while sipping on wine in his childhood home: "Picard was raised on a vineyard in France, and so no doubt had a long history of drinking before joining starfleet," they wrote. Further, Picard's backstory from his Starfleet Academy days was hardly smooth, a fact revealed in the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" episode "The First Duty" when he tells academy groundskeeper Boothby he couldn't have graduated without Boothby's intervention for an undisclosed "mistake." 

As u/_Abe_Froman_SKOC continues, Picard loses his heart in a barroom fight with a Nausicaan as an ensign in "Tapestry," suggesting that he got into a lot of trouble as a young man. And if there was a barroom fight, it stands to reason that the officer had been tying one on when it happened.

But perhaps the best evidence for Picard's high-functioning substance abuse is his obviously high tolerance for the hooch anytime it appears, as seen in "Relics," the episode in which a recently re-materialized Montgomery Scott (James Doohan) complains about synthehol until Data (Brent Spiner) finds him some real booze, which he later shares with the captain. "Picard downs an entire glass without so much as flinching, and then reveals that he was the one that sourced the bottle in the first place," the Redditor wrote.

Picard's access to alcohol is unique in Star Trek

In a world where synthehol has generally replaced alcohol, at least aboard a Starfleet ship, maintaining an unhealthy relationship with booze would likely take some degree of effort. But according to u/_Abe_Froman_SKOC's Picard fan theory, Jean-Luc is one of the few people aboard the Enterprise who would have the access and ability to maintain a steady supply of alcohol aboard the ship. As the Redditor wrote, "Picard, despite outward appearances of propriety, also seemed to ignore starfleet rules when it suited him." Given Captain Picard's longstanding relationship with 10 Forward barkeep Guinan, who is known to keep the good stuff on hand, smuggling in whatever booze he wants would hardly be a problem for the officer.

When the captain spends his retirement hanging out in a vineyard with little more than memories and a sprawling wine cellar to occupy his time, u/_Abe_Froman_SKOC says Picard would surely return to old habits. And according to the Redditor, "Star Trek: Picard" suggests Jean-Luc isn't alone in struggling with substance issues. They added that unlike in other "Star Trek" projects, "This series is also notable in that it shows the consumption of alcohol openly, and several of the characters seem to be drunk frequently, which illustrates that alcoholism is not an uncommon affliction in senior starfleet officers."

If you or anyone you know needs help with addiction issues, help is available. Visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website or contact SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).