Young Sheldon's Finale Reveals How Star Trek Helped His Most Tragic Heartbreak

Everyone knows that Sheldon Cooper is a certified genius, but he also often lacks emotional intelligence. In the two-part "Young Sheldon" finale, Iain Armitage's character faces one of the most emotional moments of his life — his father's funeral. It's clear Sheldon is struggling to cope with this tragic event, and as he deals with so much change in his life, he turns to Star Trek, which has always been a source of comfort to him.

As "Big Bang Theory" fans know, Star Trek is a huge part of Sheldon's (Jim Parsons) adult life. The prequel sitcom provides continuity for this fanship; during his formative years, Sheldon's love of Star Trek grows, and he even dresses up as Spock (Leonard Nimoy), his favorite character, during Season 5. Sheldon forms a strong affinity with the half-human, half-Vulcan science officer, so it makes sense that he looks to Spock again in his time of need.

Trying to process the last time he saw his dad before "Young Sheldon" Season 7, Episode 12's tragic moment fans were dreading, Sheldon runs through a variety of scenarios in his head. Each time George (Lance Barber) is about to leave, Sheldon imagines himself stopping him to say "Bye" or "I love you." On one occasion, he quotes "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan." He comforts himself by playing out Spock's death scene, envisioning himself saying goodbye to his dad by using Spock's last words to Kirk. "I have been — and always shall be — your friend," he says with a Vulcan salute, a gesture he imagines his dad returning before he walks out the door for the last time.

Sheldon becomes an even bigger fan of Star Trek in The Big Bang Theory

Star Trek is a big part of Sheldon's life on "The Big Bang Theory," and now, thanks to the "Young Sheldon" finale, viewers know the tragic reason the franchise is so important to him. In the original sitcom, Jim Parsons' character makes his love for Leonard Nimoy and Spock known. Fans won't forget the scene in Season 2, Episode 11 — "The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis," where Sheldon becomes overwhelmed with excitement when Penny gifts him a napkin used and signed by Nimoy. "I possess the DNA of Leonard Nimoy!" he exclaims before sharing his hopes to one day "grow" his own version of the actor. Sheldon also frequently plays the game "Rock Paper Lizard Spock," invented by Sam Kass with Karen Bryla, as a tribute to the franchise.

On "The Big Bang Theory," Sheldon often likens himself to Dr. Spock, as he feels they share the same predisposition for rational thinking over emotion. But it is heartwarming to know that Nimoy's character helped him process his grief. Sheldon may have even passed this Star Trek connection down to his son, Leonard, as there's a popular theory the kid is named after the famed Star Trek actor and not Sheldon's best friend and former roommate, Leonard Hofstadter (Johnny Galecki).

To read more about the connection between "Big Bang Theory" and Star Trek, check out our explainer on Leonard Nimoy's secret "Big Bang Theory" cameo.