Big Brother 26 Week 5 Spoilers: HOH Tucker Plans A Bombshell Veto Meeting

Contains spoilers for "Big Brother" Season 26, Week 6 and Week 7

The King of Chaos, Tucker, has been playing the long game during Season 26 of "Big Brother," and it looks like his efforts are about to pay off. Not only did he win Head of Household (HOH) during Week 6, but he's also snagged Power of Veto. He attained this thanks to the "Hide and Go Veto" scavenger hunt that pits the roommates against one another. Tucker now has most of the power heading into this week's veto ceremony, and he's planning to create a scene for the ages once the house meets up.

He informed his allies during an early Monday morning meeting that he's planning on sparing Quinn with his veto — an unsurprising move, since he's repeatedly offered an alliance to Quinn, only for Quinn to reject it — with Chelsie up for possible eviction in his place. But despite that potential move, Brooklyn continues to be his main target. This isn't surprising, either, since Brooklyn continues to be a direct threat to Tucker and even made a mess of his clothing during the search for the veto card. He also promised an 'epic' eviction ceremony, promising to address those who oppose him, including the Collective/Pentagon alliance.

Either way, Tucker is planning to make some big-time noise at the veto ceremony. "I'm going to blow the roof off this place," he vowed to his fair-weather friends. Time will tell if he does, but in the meantime, it looks like the rest of the house is busy making their own alliances. Including Brooklyn. With Tucker.

Brooklyn will not see this one coming

On the evening of August 18, Tucker and Brooklyn met up. Brooklyn requested he keep targeting Quinn, knowing that they've had a rivalry. She's got no idea he plans on getting rid of her at the eviction ceremony, so a lot of the shock and awe Tucker's predicting might come from Brooklyn having no clue Tucker's going to try to give her the heave-ho. Now that's what we call bad jury management.

Brooklyn, for her part, vows that she'll never target Tucker if she ends up HOH. She remains aware that the only ally she has is Chelsie. Little does Brooklyn know that this is why Tucker has decided to target her. Perhaps Brooklyn will spend the rest of her day canvassing for support, but time will tell if she manages to survive Tucker's plan.

In any event, the drama's likely to boil over at some point on the 19th, so fans are going to want to keep their eyes peeled for more info. The footage is all likely to air on CBS on August 21, giving fans plenty of time to get excited for the reveal of Season 26's winner in late September.