Taron Egerton Makes For A Mean Wolverine In Stunning Fan Art

While the world awaits the next cinematic incarnation of everyone's favorite short-tempered Marvel superhero, Wolverine, a popular piece of fan art gives us an interesting take on who might step up to the task. Hugh Jackman hung up the adamantium claws in 2017's "Logan," concluding a 17-year-long journey that saw the actor elevate the character to a new level of fame, birthing a new generation of fans who grew up watching the Australian actor shred everything (and everyone) in his path. Following up Jackman, who held the record for the "longest career as a live action Marvel superhero" (via Guinness World Records), is a tall order, but change could be just around the corner.

Following Disney's acquisition of 21st Century Fox in 2019, the mouse house has been gradually working the studio's properties into their family. This includes the Marvel properties owned by Fox, such as the Fantastic Four and the X-Men. Some of these characters have appeared in 2022's "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," including the X-Men's Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart). It seems to be only a matter of time before Wolverine comes slashing his way into the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Fans have been making their own casting choices for who should step up to play Wolverine next, with suggestions ranging from Daniel Radcliffe to Dacre Montgomery. However, a recent piece of fan art suggests that actor Taron Egerton could be a surprisingly good fit for the role.

Egerton's Wolverine shreds with a single glare

Artist BossLogic is revered throughout social media for the stunning fan art that has earned him millions of followers. Some of his most amusing works are the pieces that act as fan casts of pop culture characters from One Punch Man to Doctor Doom. In 2019, BossLogic posted a wicked piece of fan art of Welsh actor Taron Egerton as a potential choice to play the next cinematic version of Wolverine. Donning the classic blue and yellow jumpsuit commonly worn by Wolverine in comics and cartoons while still maintaining a ferocious glare and a gnarly set of sideburns, the image paints a clear picture of what could very well be.

Fans have been suspecting Egerton to be Marvel's next choice for the part for some time. However, it seems that the only slicing Egerton is doing is slicing away any suspicions of the rumors being true. In a July 2022 interview on Today, the "Rocketman" actor, when offered the chance to set the rumors straight, said, "I get asked about it a lot, which is really flattering. But anytime I say anything that's not completely shutting it down, it gets spun into 'he's doing it.'" When pressed further about it, Egerton playfully but firmly responded with, "I'm shutting it down."

No matter who the next Wolverine is, we think it's safe to confirm that BossLogic is the best at what he does.