The 5 Worst Costumes Worn By James Gunn's Green Lantern, Ranked

When David Corenswet's Superman arrives on the big screen in the rebooted live-action DC Universe, he will be joined by a new Green Lantern. The film features Guy Gardner (Nathan Fillion), who has been spotted in set photos wearing a surprising non-green costume and is known for sporting some iconic and hilarious looks in the pages of DC Comics.

Created by John Broome and Gil Kane and debuting in "Green Lantern" #59, Guy is a Green Lantern from Earth with a reputation for trouble due to his often childish and brash personality. While he's done good work in his career, he's also butted heads with many of his fellow superheroes, most famously in "Justice League International" (by Keith Giffen, J. M. DeMatteis, and Kevin Maguire), where Guy's awful attitude routinely gets under the skin of Batman, Black Canary, and Martian Manhunter in his quest to lead the team.

While Guy originally sports a similar Green Lantern costume to his fellow intergalactic space cops like Hal Jordan and John Stewart, his look eventually evolves into something fairly unique. From his bowl cut, oversized green boots, a vest with a huge, popped collar, and a massive silver belt, the hero's core appearance has remained remarkably stable over the decades. Fillion's costume, on the other hand, appears to be a mixture of Lord Tech and Mr. Terrific's look, though Guy does have his signature hairdo. But while some fans are disappointed by his live-action appearance, it's important to remember that Guy's worn some truly bizarre looks over the years in comics that tried — and failed — to reinvent him.

5. Guy Gardner gets a new look after stealing Sinestro's Power Ring

As "the story of "Gardner Reborn" continues to unfold, Guy Gardner gets an assist from his former Green Lantern teammate G'Nort in searching for a new Power Ring. The fuzzy Lantern helps send Guy to space and works with Lobo to find Sinestro's yellow Power Ring, which was created by the Weaponers in the Antimatter Universe of Qward. Upon learning the ring is on Oa, Gardner breaks into the crypts containing the bodies of fallen Green Lanterns. Among them is Sinestro, and after Guy fights and defeats the former Green Lantern's soul, the yellow Power Ring is now his. With the ring, Guy regains the ability to fly and is once again able to create constructs with his mind.

As the issue comes to a close, Gardner reveals yet another new costume to go with his new ring. He wears a leather jacket similar to his most iconic look but with a yellow and black G emblazoned on the front. He's also wearing jeans and white gloves, but he keeps his usual bowl cut. He also now sports a scar across the top of his forehead. Additionally, he has a gaudy pair of boots — also bearing his new "G" emblem — that go up to his knees. Gardner actually sports the yellow Power Ring for some time, including when he rejoins the Justice League and takes on Doomsday during the "Death of Superman" crossover event.

4. Guy Gardner is reborn... with a new costume

In the early '90s "Gardner Reborn" miniseries (by Gerard Jones, Joe Staton, Josef Rubinstein, Albert DeGuzman, and Digital Chameleon), Guy's attempt to fight Hal Jordan and take over the mantle of Green Lantern of Earth results in him getting beat up so badly that he's forced to turn in his Power Ring over behavioral issues. Still determined to be a hero, he's quickly rejected by the New Guardians for being a creep. Guy is then inspired to become a gun-toting vigilante after seeing the power the police wield with their weapons.

Gardner creates a new costume that's essentially a cropped undershirt, pants, and gloves. He accents the outfit with bullets strapped to his waist and shoulder and completes the look with six different guns holstered throughout his ensemble. He becomes "The Gardner," with the cringe-worthy mission statement, "Somebody's gotta cut the weeds," and his look is Guy at his most extreme, with more pouches and unnecessary weapons than one hero ever needed.

Luckily, the forgettable costume only lasts a few pages. Gardner has trouble using his guns, as they lock up on him during battle, feature significant recoil, and generally don't work like he envisioned as he fights the villain Goldface. He even jokes about how the continued malfunctioning of guns never happens to comic book heroes. Realizing he needs actual powers, Gardner ditches the munitions and begins his hunt for a new ring.

3. Guy Gardner becomes the Red Latnern

In "Green Lantern Corps' #43 (by Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason, Rebecca Buchman, Tom Nguyen, Randy Mayor, and Steve Wands), Guy Gardner watches as Kyle Rayner sacrifices himself to take out hundreds of undead Black Lanterns at once. Distraught after losing his close friend, a red Power Ring hones in on Guy's rage and bonds with him, transforming Guy into a monster who wields both a red-and-green Power Ring and takes on a scary black-and-red appearance.

Unfortunately for Guy, being a Red Lantern corrupts him, and he struggles greatly with his newfound powers, which are built on anger. Eventually, when he calms down, Guy gets another Red Lantern costume, trading in his short haircut for a shaggier look that includes an unkempt beard. While Guy's hot-headed nature fits the tone of the Red Lantern Corps, he eventually relinquishes that ring and becomes a Green Lantern once again, which is where he continues to operate in modern DC Comics continuity.

2. Guy Gardner becomes the Warrior

In "Guy Gardner: Warrior" #17 (by Chuck Dixon, Mitch Byrd, Dennis Cramer, Dan Davis, Stuart Chaifetz, and Albert DeGuzman), Guy visits his mother and learns that his abusive father has died. After reflecting on where he came from and who he's become, the Green Lantern decides something in his life has got to change. After battling Milita, his believed-to-be-dead brother in disguise, Guy links up with Ted Kord and reveals his new look and codename as Warrior.

The Warrior ensemble is both terrible and emblematic of the edgier '90s comics at the time. Guy trades in his Yellow Lantern look for a darker leather costume. He ditches his bowl cut, sports spiked gauntlets with fingerless gloves and starts wearing chaps that leave his groin exposed (thankfully, he wears jeans underneath). Guy adds armor to his costume in subsequent stories with the assistance of Blue Beetle (Kord), eventually getting exoskeleton armor with its own abilities, including forcefields, energy attacks, and increased strength.

Guy sports the golden armor for several issues as his identity crisis continues, looking little like his typical self. He eventually loses his armor and yellow ring in a fight against Hal Jordan's Parallax, a battle that serves as another visual reset for the character, giving him an eyepatch.

1. Guy and Gal Gardner Vuldarian's look was a choice

In "Guy Gardner: Warrior" #23 (by Beau Smith, Mitch Byrd, Dan Davis, Stuart Chaifetz, and Albert DeGuzman), a powerless Guy joins an expedition to South America to find the Warrior Waters, a liquid said to grant incredible powers to those who drink it. After fending off Nazi dinosaurs and hordes of zombie-like creatures, he encounters the Warrior Women of Nabba. Guy learns that it's his destiny to consume the water, and when he drinks it, he gains new abilities granted to him by the best soldiers throughout history. He essentially becomes a living weapon with red armor.

With his new powers, Guy is able to physically transform his body into different weapons, including a mace, bombs, and guns — almost like a Terminator shifting its physical form like a liquid metal. He is also essentially immortal, possessing a healing factor that protects him from even the most gruesome injuries. But despite the impressive new power set, Guy's appearance is absolutely ridiculous. He sports red stripes across his body and face, a yellow circle on his chest (he rarely wears a shirt), red pants with a black groin area, knee pads, and eyes that glow both white and yellow. Making matters more hilarious, for a brief period of time, Guy is transformed into a female by the villain Dementor. In this form, Guy goes by the name "Gal," though the character's overall aesthetic remains the same.

With Nathan Fillion's version of the character sporting a new costume in James Gunn's "Superman," fans will have to wait to see if Guy's classic ensemble also makes an appearance on the big screen. In the meantime, fans can take solace in knowing he likely won't ever be sporting any of the ill-advised looks we've shared here.