A G.I. Joe And Transformers Crossover Could Give Us... Human Autobots?

Contains spoilers for "Transformers: Rise of the Beasts"

When the credits rolled out for "Transformers: Rise of the Beasts," we were left with a cliffhanger that die-hard Hasbro fans relished in. Setting up the biggest crossover by colliding with the world of "G.I. Joe," it was confirmed that Noah (Anthony Ramos) would have more than just Decepticons to deal with, but the cruel terrorist group C.O.B.R.A. as well.

But just what does a "Transformers" and "G.I. Joe" crossover look like, and what potential dangers could appear for either side in the war that would all spark from it? If director Steven Caple Jr. is as much of a fan as he says he is, it could see him taking notes from one of the rare occasions where the robots in disguise and the Real American Heroes crossed over in animation. This was an event so massive that it changed the very nature of the Transformers as we know them and into humans hiding in plain sight. With that in mind, could it be possible that the same could happen when Noah is reunited with the Autobots? If so, we know the ideal candidate for the transformation, and he's one of the newest heroes to have joined the fight — at this point in time, at least.

Only Human could lead to a bit of inspiration for the Transformers/G.I. Joe crossover

In 1986, during the third season of "Transformers," a one-and-done foe with a very familiar face rocked up in the world of Autobots and Decepticons and created a whole mess of trouble. In Season 3, Episode 23, "Only Human," a mysterious bad guy known as Old Snake, the former leader of a terrorist group, used some fancy technology to trap Rodimus Prime and pals in human synthoid bodies. They thankfully managed to revert to their towering robot fighting form, sending the villain on his way. The exciting thing about this antagonistic cameo is that it was none other than "G.I. Joe's" Cobra Commander who even ended the episode struggling to give his classic war cry of "COBRA!" before almost coughing up a lung.

It's here where there's every chance this could be a key plot point in the eagerly anticipated installment that will have these two worlds collide. Let's be honest, it's certainly not outside the realm of impossibility. Given how often the planet has come close to either cracking open or being eaten by another world, seeing some of the Transformers move into a miniature and slightly more fleshy form could set up an interesting issue whenever the crossover comes into play. What's more important is that they've got the perfect character to endure the experiment that would also provide some added star power whenever "Transformers/G.I. Joe" comes to pass.

Turn Mirage human and have Pete Davidson play him in that form

While "Rise of the Beasts" didn't receive sterling reviews across the board, Pete Davidson as Mirage received a lot of praise on Twitter, even though our survey suggested a recast might help. It made it all the more reassuring for the future than when it was revealed that his smart-mouthed sports car survived his noble sacrifice in the film's final act. The issue, of course, is that he's not looking as sleek as he once did after being shot to pieces. Well, what better way for him to give his consciousness a pit-stop break than by putting him in a human body instead?

Bringing Pete Davidson on to play the synthoid version of Mirage would make for a perfect addition to the human cast, even briefly. Providing a fish-out-of-water plot point would make him a great addition to bounce off Ramos should he return when the Joes call. It could also allow an exciting dynamic between the inevitable alliance between the Joes and the Autobots before Mirage gets turned back to his mechanized form, hopefully in a better condition. It's a daft idea, but "Transformers" has never been one for serious and believable stories. This is the franchise where John Turturro is looking up to a robot's giant nether regions, after all. Let this one roll out, too.